For some days, i'm trying to use Processing to drive Sphero, with this code (Working on Windows) :
import processing.serial.*;
Serial Serialout ;
Serial Serialin;
void setup() {
// List all the available serial ports:
Serialout = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200); // COM3 output SPHERO-BPG 'RN-SPP'
Serialin = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 115200); // COM4 input SPHERO-BPG
println("Sphero turns blue, --> it is connected to output "+Serialout);
println("Sphero turns blue, --> it is connected to input "+Serialin);
void draw() {
while (Serialin.available ()>0) {
while (Serialout.available ()>0) {
// print ("but there is no data to read ! GRRRRR!");
void keyPressed() {
Sphero is connected because it turns blue, and disconnected when I press a key, but i can't read/send any data using or other bluetooth library.
I don't understand how I could get SpheroName, and other info, how to send commands ?
Could someone help me ?
import processing.serial.*;
Serial Serialout ;
Serial Serialin;
void setup() {
// List all the available serial ports:
Serialout = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200); // COM3 output SPHERO-BPG 'RN-SPP'
Serialin = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 115200); // COM4 input SPHERO-BPG
println("Sphero turns blue, --> it is connected to output "+Serialout);
println("Sphero turns blue, --> it is connected to input "+Serialin);
void draw() {
while (Serialin.available ()>0) {
while (Serialout.available ()>0) {
// print ("but there is no data to read ! GRRRRR!");
void keyPressed() {
Sphero is connected because it turns blue, and disconnected when I press a key, but i can't read/send any data using or other bluetooth library.
I don't understand how I could get SpheroName, and other info, how to send commands ?
Could someone help me ?